Romans 4 takes its readers thousands of years back to Abraham and takes a leaf out of his life and depicts how he overcame the greatest giants in his life.This could greatly impact our lives too positively or negatively!!

Even though, the heading of this post sounds negative, be assured that it will end lifting your spirits up.

It says in vs 19 that Abraham faced 2 facts (Realities or Giants):
– His Body was good as dead
– Sarah’s Body Dead

We all know Satan is the “Father of Lies”,but, he says the truth or the facts too!! This is where we fail to understand our enemy.
Every morning Satan showed two facts (realities) to Abraham.The fact that they were old and their bodies were as Good as Dead.

That was true and an absolute reality and not a “Lie”. Abraham faced the facts wherever he went and whenever he saw Sarah himself. He was forced to do that since he could not escape from himself nor leave Sarah away from his sight.

The Bible says that he did something spectacular…He faced the facts boldly but didn’t fix his eyes on the “FACTS” but spoke against it!! He knew very well if he “Fixed” His eyes on the “Facts” he would “Weaken” in his Faith towards the promise that God had given Him.

As Jesus wants you to grow in Faith,Satan wants you to deteriorate in Faith. He has a planned that in different Stages!!

Stage 1: He will show you the truths of your life many a times and make you focus on it daily. Instead of Fixing your eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of your faith you start “Weakening in Faith” because you are facing the Facts in Fear.

Stage 2: Thus you become a “Sleeping Christian”, not active in Faith. In Math 26, Jesus finds his disciples sleeping. Their spirit was willing but their flesh was weak. Weak Faith leads you to “Praise-Less”, “Pray-Less” and finally “Hope-Less”. It leads you to being very active in “Discontentment”, “Discouragement”, “Worrying”, and “Complaining”!! It very well shows in your words and body language.

Stage 3: Finally to “Wavering”. Verse 20 says “He did not “Waver” through “Unbelief”. The word “Waver” in Greek means to “Stay Separated”. Satan takes you to Stage 3 which is the state of “UNBELIEF”. In that state you automatically start Staying Separate or Wavering from a particular Promise that God had given you Years back regarding your family,problem or personal life.

God has a solution for you as he had one for Abraham. He told Abraham one morning…”No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham, for I have made you a father of many nations.” Sarai was called as “Sarah” meaning Princess.

Every morning and evening Abraham and Sarah called each other their God given names, prophesying their destiny and promise to each other.

They faced their facts not in FEAR but in FAITH.
Yes..They faced their Facts but spoke against it and were daily Active in Faith!!

Rise up from your Sleep and call out your Promise!!
Be a Giant Slayer for Christ!!
God bless!!


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