In 2 Kings chapter 4,Elisha encounters a woman who is spiritually blinded by the regrets of her past,fear of the present and the worry of her future.

-She tells Elisha about the regrets of her past…“Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord”.

Many a times this is our scenario. We too come very often in the presence of God carrying the same past which was filled with pain or failures.Many a times God has dealt with it but we are still thinking and brooding over the dead things of our past and thus feeding on what the enemy sows time and again on our minds. Our days are filled with regret and sorrow re-thinking what we could have done right over those situations which are already dead and gone.
Some of us thinks over and over again of the intimacy we had with the Lord in the past and sits over that thought for years.

– She then tells Elisha about her fear in the present condition and her future worry….”But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.”

Her creditor was tormenting her every day. The enemy had a clear laid out plan against her and her children. He was making her focus on her problems around her thus blinding her spiritually. She was consistently living in Fear and Worrying about her children’s future.

In Verse 2,God opened Elisha’s eyes to see the root of the family’s problems and to give the right solution. He asked…”Tell me, what do you have in your house?”

This family in 2 Kings chapter 4 was a family which had a prophetic calling.They were one among the company of the prophets under Elisha. This family had a God given mission and the legacy of their father (Dead Prophet) had to be carried by his children,but,here they are shut inside their homes fearing even to go outside because of their creditor. They are living in such regret over their past and fear of the present and worry over their future forgetting their divine calling and thus spiritually blinded to what is INSIDE of them!!

She replied to Elisha saying…“Your servant has nothing there at all,except a small jar of olive oil.”

She gave Emphasis on the word ” Nothing”. They had so trained their eyes into looking at the material things they didn’t possess on the outside and not valuing the Anointing inside of them therefore forgetting the CALL of God on their lives.

Elisha said to them….( In my words )…. You are not called to shut yourselves up inside your house of regrets,fear and worry but you have a Divine Calling from God to go and find empty vessels and fill them. You have the “JAR OF OIL” ( Anointing ) to fill the empty vessels to the brim!!

The enemy is fighting, against God’s calling over your life, telling you every time that he won’t allow you to step into your calling but will make you and your family his slaves.

As long as the Jar of Oil is inside your house ( inside you ) its useful to none…not even you!!!….but, the moment you start releasing it you will be astounded to find that the Oil never stops flowing until there are no more vessels left!!

“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want”( ESV: Proverbs 11:24 )

Yes…You have an anointing without measure!! ( John 3:34 )
Get Ready to pour it out!!

Nothing but “A JAR OF OIL”!!


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